Why do we have long names in Spanish?:
[English version below]
Soy Romina Romaniello, 🙂 tu profesora de español de Hola Spanish. Bienvenidos a una nueva edición de Hola Tuesday, tu clase de español semanal y gratuita 🙂
Romina here, your Hola Spanish teacher. Welcome to a new edition of Hola Tuesday, your weekly free Spanish lesson.
Hoy me siento particularmente feliz porque tuve un fin de semana estupendo. En Sídney, la ciudad en la que vivo, tuvimos un fin de semana largo, así que me fui a Hunter Valley donde hay unos viñedos maravillosos. Además, el 27 de enero fue ¡mi cumpleaños! Lo celebré tomando mucho vino jajaja 🙂
Today I feel specially happy because I had a terrific weekend. In Sydney, the city I live in, we had a long weekend, so I went to Hunter Valley where there are amazing vineyards. On top of that, on January 27th was my birthday! I celebrated with lots of wine hahaha 🙂
¿A ti te gusta el vino? ¿Qué vinos te gustan? Quiero que me cuentes en los comentarios.
Do you like wine? What varieties do you like? I’d love for you to tell me in the comments below.
For today´s Hola Tuesday lesson I wanted to talk to you about names in Spanish. Have you ever noticed that they are pretty long? Have you ever wonder that? My students ask me all the time! So I thought that you´d be interested in knowing too 🙂

That’s all for today! Remember to sign up to your Hola Spanish FREE lessons here, you’ll get access to the 10 Most Useful Phrases in Spanish and more content that we only share via email. I’ll see you next week on your Hola Tuesday lesson! ¡Adiós! ¡Hasta la próxima clase y Feliz Año Nuevo!