ES BIEN?: One of the Most Common Mistakes Explained!:
[English version below]
Soy Romina Romaniello, 🙂 tu profesora de español de Hola Spanish. Bienvenido a una nueva edición de Hola Tuesday, tu clase de español semanal y gratuita 🙂
Romina here, your Hola Spanish teacher. Welcome to a new edition of Hola Tuesday, your weekly free Spanish lesson.
Today I’d like to explain you one of the most common mistakes Spanish students make:
When people start learning Spanish, ‘BIEN’ is one of the first words they learn. It means ‘good’. Then they learn the verb ‘SER’ that it translates as ‘TO BE’, so they start describing things or people as this or that. For example: ‘The car is red’, ‘El auto ES rojo’. They reason that if they just want to say that the car is also good a good car, they simply put ES + BIEN together and voilà! They made a new sentence in Spanish!: ‘El auto ES BIEN’.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that because in Spanish we have another word for ‘good’ and that is ‘BUENO, A’. If the person, animal or object that you’re talking about is female you’ve to say ‘buenA’, but ‘buenO’ if it’s male
The trick to knowing when to use ‘BIEN’ vs ‘BUENO, A’ is in recognising the verb you are using for ‘TO BE’: is it ‘SER’ or is it ‘ESTAR’?

Now in the comments below, I´d like for you to write at least three examples with ES BUENO, ES BUENA and ESTÁ BIEN.
That’s all for today! Remember to sign up to your Hola Spanish FREE lessons here, you’ll get access to the 10 Most Useful Phrases in Spanish and more content that we only share via email. I’ll see you next week on your Hola Tuesday lesson! ¡Adiós! ¡Hasta la próxima clase y Feliz Año Nuevo!